Residencia Dominicana

/Residencia Dominicana

Dominican Citenzenship By Marriage

Dominican Citenzenchip  can be acquired by marriage of a resident foreigner who is married to a Dominican. According to the naturalization law 1683 dated April 16, 1948, of the Dominican Republic. For this, people must meet the requirements to apply for Dominican naturalization by marriage. These are the requirements that you must present if you [...]

By |2024-09-16T18:37:57-04:00July 20th, 2023|Residencia Dominicana|0 Comments

Dominican republic residency renewal

Dominican Republic residency renewal is a process that takes place within 30 days prior to the expiration of the Dominican temporary residency. The Dominican Republic Temporary Residency is issued for one year and must be renewed annually. Generally Depending on the type of residency to be renewed, the General Directorate of Migration of the Dominican [...]

By |2024-09-16T16:49:56-04:00May 17th, 2020|Residencia Dominicana|0 Comments

Dominican Republic Residency requirements

The Dominican Republic residency requiriments will be according to the reason or purpose of living in the Dominican Republic. The main categories of Dominican republic Residency are the following:  Marriage or Family Reunification  employment contract Retirement or Pensioner Dominican Residence For Rent or Rentist Dominican republic Residence For Investment Below I will explain the main [...]

By |2024-09-17T09:38:57-04:00May 15th, 2020|Residencia Dominicana|0 Comments

Permiso de menor o permiso de viaje para niños

 El permiso de menor o permiso para viajar con niños es una autorizacion emitida por la direccion General de Migracion. Si necesitas un  permiso para viajar con niños te diremos que necesitas o te asistiremos. Requisitos para el permiso para viajar con niños  o permiso de menor. Un poder notarial firmado por el padre,madre o tutor [...]

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